

DIA R&D consultants conduct accident investigations, investigates and analyzes aerial and space vehicle accidents and engineering failures. Our accidents response and forensic solutions help partners and clients to gather critical evidence and accelerate investigation tasks.

In this sector, studies are planned to maintain the health and safety, security of military personnel operating in various fields, such as operational activities in the field and during training phases, for rescue and emergency response tasks or the transport of dangerous substances and equipment, use of unmanned vehicles used in aquatic, terrestrial and aerial environments, special equipment and tools.

Specifically, guidelines and procedures are created to improve the performance and efficiency of those who perform special tasks.

For the space sector, procedures and guidelines have been developed for the management of medical emergencies in modules and shelters, based on confined spaces behaviors. Furthermore, procedures are implemented to live and work safely through the use of LSS (Life Support Systems) in underwater, zero gravity and pressurized environments.

DIA also launched Accidents and Injuries Aircraft/Space Modules Personnel Support Care. The purpose of this program is to raise awareness of the type of accidents and injuries that may occur on board helicopter and aircraft carriers or during assistance in the recovery of damaged spacecraft and what steps they can take to prevent them.