The energy sector includes Oil&Gas, Renewable Energy, Nuclear Power Pants activities in and near aquatic environments. DIA R&D Division focuses on the integrity of critical infrastructures through the creation of documents that aim to counteract risky situations caused by adverse climatic conditions and voluntary or involuntary man-made actions.
Extreme weather can affect worker health and safety due to rising and falling temperatures, heavy rainstorms, earthquakes and fires, tsunamis in the vicinity of some sensitive structures.
Criminal incidents took place in critical facilities over the course of the years. These acts included violence, sabotage, theft, and other potential hazards to worker safety. The situation is changing radically, also given the recent geopolitical situation and the introduction of new technologies. For example, cybersecurity attacks lead to physical and environment consequences that cause a major impact on production operations.
DIA‘s goal is to maintain a healthy and safe working environment, through flexible procedures adaptable for any site or company, anywhere in the world. DIA IS&S (Integrated Safety and Security) – Flexible Critical Infrastructures Procedures aim to protect critical infrastructures from criminal events or consequences thereof for maintain a healthy working environment and a protected ecosystem.
DIA‘s intent is to mitigate the effects on infrastructure to maintain operational efficiency and the health, safety and security of workers.