Cybersecurity – Equipment
DIA Scientific Division has created Cybersecurity Equipment&Technology Program to secure sensitive work environments. The program takes into consideration equipment used in healthcare facilities, maritime and energy, commercial diving, space sectors such as vessels, rigs, hyperbaric/saturation diving systems and habitats managed through wireless and IoT devices.
Autonomous surface and underwater vehicles such as USV or AUV and submarine, commercial or military vessel, rigs can be subject to threats and sabotage (data acquisition, changes of course, theft, explosions and fires, pollution).
A hyperbaric system or habitat may come under attack with little or no warning. Effective behaviors and guidelines, will help to ensure early intervention.
The program aims to raise awareness and mitigate hazards and risks to facilities caused by cyber sabotage that aims to disrupt, degrade or destroy digital infrastructure.
The program includes risk assessment, choice of tools and devices used for data transmission and communication between devices.